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Thursday, May 24, 2007


To the stars they look,
Seeking escape from the darkness.
"I want to get out," they say,
"Away from this trap."
They look to one another
For guidance, support, love --
Their efforts are futile.

Only the poets find solace
In the stars and in the words.
The great minds are sacrificed
To the tyrants: Envy and Hate.
Their teary eyes glitter
In the light shed by the stars, those
Seemingly perfect, mocking stars!

O, Envy! Why do you stifle?
Why do you destroy us?
Alas, the truth cannot be
Found in the minds of man;
It is found in God.

God is Envy: God is Hate.
He looks down upon all of man,
His creation which has
Surpassed His greatness;
Tainted His perfection.

And the stars, too, were his,
Those instruments of torture
Laughing back at us from the
O'erhanging firmament; it is a
Pretentious façade for His jealousy.
So man strives to reach the
Stars, to break the lie
Once and for all.

They say: Tell me what to do,
Since I am a man in love with the stars.

And God laughs:
Man delights not me.


*that girl* said...

i enjoy this peice. Really great ending. Kudos to you!

1 FN HandyMan said...

volatile! I like it!

Jill said...

Welcome, Falcon! Thank you for posting this. Powerful and beautifully written..LOVE IT!

Falcon in the Dive. said...

Thank you, everyone! It's probably my favorite piece that I've written.

BudRoy said...

Cool stuff, Falcon. This blog group is increasing my appreciation for poetry. hehehe