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Write whatever you'd like, whenever you want! This is an open forum for like minded authors. Feedback and comments are necessary! Remember, there are no holds barred, here.

For writers: When publishing make sure to add your username as a tag/label (you'll see the bar at the bottom of your blog edit window). This way it'll be much easier to pull up your work all in one go. Also, if you'd like you can add the type, ie: Short Story, Poetry, Blog, Rant, etc to your labels as well as the genre. This will make sorting much easier! Thank you!

Remember: Comments are necessary for the survival of all writers!! Feedback is love and love is grand!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

fragments of hope.


On the brink of redemption,

Ready to fall over the edge in


Of the future.


Torrential rain

Defiles the saints

And cleanses the sinners.


Like a bird

Caught in mid-flight—:

Drifting into a limbo of

Light and darkness.


The phoenix soars, born again,

Only to smolder once more,

Forever more.


The albatross flies

Alongside the eagle.

Hopeful and forlorn:

They embrace the sky

In a dark, vivid storm

Of passions.

A swan among ducks.

To whom do you look when even the heroes are gone,
Hidden beneath the idleness of a corrupt society?
As the world of tomorrow slowly engulfs us,
The truth is distorted through the prism of hatred.
What once was cooperation has now become hostility.
This “free society” imposes upon us a greater censor
Than ever before, a disease that infects us all.


As we all become one and one becomes all,
The destroying of cultures will surely be our downfall.
Forced to fit the mold of mediocrity, as our “flaws”
Are hammered out of us: we are purified as a steel tool.
Those of us who escape this process, this great,
Universal, Bessemer process, become defunct in the
World of Big Brother.

Cygnus inter anates, as they say;
The Ugly Duckling.
And you will be shunned,
Excluded from the truth you
So desperately seek.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Back to Childhood (5-30-07)

Frost on my fingertips,
Paste on my tongue,
Holes in my knees,
Jumping for fun,
Riding a broomstick,
Just like it’s a horse,
Swimming all summer,
Until I was dark,
Using sticks as guns,
GI Joes were something special,
Sports were play not work,
Jumping into lakes,
Camping on its sites,
Sand in my bathing suit,
From playing on the seashore,
Crabbing with Daddy Grand,
He caught my first fish,
Sis cutting my hair,
In the room we used to share,
Cooking with GrandMa,
Playing Aggravation with Uncle Joe,
Smelling Grandpa’s Pipe,
The flood went so high,
Puppies and Kittens,
Rabbits and Hamsters,
Thin skateboards,
Pillowcases for Halloween,
Hotdogs were great,
The Six Million Dollar man,
Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin,
Frank Sinatra still Sang,
We grew a huge garden,
Ate well when it sprang,
Built that redwood deck,
Repaired the pool several times,
Went to parades galore,
Where I could be someone else,
The great times are many,
I’m sure I missed a few,
Back to childhood I go,
Maybe you should to.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The New Heroes

Though I don't know you,
I'm Proud of what you're doing,
for this country and its people,
And That country and its people.
In our prayers you are,
In our thoughts every day,
Doing what's right,
In the most difficult of times.
Keep your pride up,
Your chin down,
Your Rifle at the ready,
And your wits about you.
You are the heroes,
of a new legend,
The warriors,
Of America.
God Bless you,
And your comrades,
And your commanders,
And those who have fallen.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The King of Porn

Copyright Christopher Pimental, 2006, The Train Wreck Chronicles

The King of Porn

You're a pretty girl
a dirty girl
a third world
flirty girl
snaggin' the light
til I walk in

digital zoom,
on me
every eye
in the room
comes alive,
and my roll
sucks you in
like a fly
to the meat

so you walk
my way
that Latina sway,
your hips in play
thinking you can
with a hitter
like me.

But you ain't shit,
you see?

Just another
wanna be
star to be
whore to me,
I've had
so many
I can´t even
the menu
through the trees

Man, it ain´t even
fun for me

it stacks the
and I like
that ass
so come with
and let me be
the one
promise you diamonds
deliver you pearls,
coke up your
ruin your world
when I
lower the Roof
to cave in

Yeah baby,
feelin' slow,
a little tipsy, huh?

That´s good.

sign this
while I strip
you down
to your bald
in front
of the lens
the lights.

It don´t
seem right?

Trust in me.
No one will see,
accept overseas.

That´s right,
listen to me.

Hear what I say,
not what I mean,
whatever I say
there ain't no way
it ain't gonna play
all over the world.


now, shut up and
kneel down
what´s left
of your dignity,
look up
and smile
when you finish
'cuz in the morning,
you won't remember
remember a thing
someone you know
downloads the clip
buys the CD.

Pay check,
you ain't shit to me.

(The Train Wreck, baby. Rollin'.)

Thursday, May 24, 2007


To the stars they look,
Seeking escape from the darkness.
"I want to get out," they say,
"Away from this trap."
They look to one another
For guidance, support, love --
Their efforts are futile.

Only the poets find solace
In the stars and in the words.
The great minds are sacrificed
To the tyrants: Envy and Hate.
Their teary eyes glitter
In the light shed by the stars, those
Seemingly perfect, mocking stars!

O, Envy! Why do you stifle?
Why do you destroy us?
Alas, the truth cannot be
Found in the minds of man;
It is found in God.

God is Envy: God is Hate.
He looks down upon all of man,
His creation which has
Surpassed His greatness;
Tainted His perfection.

And the stars, too, were his,
Those instruments of torture
Laughing back at us from the
O'erhanging firmament; it is a
Pretentious façade for His jealousy.
So man strives to reach the
Stars, to break the lie
Once and for all.

They say: Tell me what to do,
Since I am a man in love with the stars.

And God laughs:
Man delights not me.

To Him

When I see you it reminds me of everything that we could have been. I have loved you forever and it took you forever to realize you feel the same and yet we remain apart. Our timing has always been off, maybe there is a reason for that. It doesn’t make the hurt any less, the longing I have had for you is still here and I don’t think even time can change that. I miss you more than you will ever know, and I will love you always!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I SEE INSIDE (5-21-07)

Looking into the mirror,
What do you see?
A weak, vulnerable person,
with skeletons to examine,
A failure,
A fat slob,
A nincompoop.
The very thing your Father told you,
that you would be.
That's not what I see.
I see that strong, willful,
Striving person,
Using every thought they can,
To adapt,
To the Situation that they're in.
I see Inside,
To that person you used to be.
So perhaps you should try,
When you look into the mirror,
To see me,
Looking back,
At Thee.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I can't stand this.
I am spinning wondering which round hole my square peg fits into.
I want to be.....I want to be.....
I want.
Never fulfilled, scared to try.
Tired of being who I am.
Tired of not knowing who I am.
Tired of wondering if this is who I am.
Tired of......being tired.
Laughing makes it better.
Did you laugh with me....or at me?
Face the world. Happy face to mask the tears.
I feel so deeply yet I am completely shallow.
I can't stand this.
I am spinning wondering which round hole my square peg fits into.
I want to be.....I want to be.....
I want.......to breath.

Friday, May 18, 2007


What have I done
That I cannot move forward?
Where have I led myself?
What tangled paths lay before me?

I ask the same tired questions,
repeating the transparent, easy answers,
one by one until they crash around me;
mere splinters of glass at my feet.

Shrouded in mystery, dull and dense,
it encircles my tightly knit facade,
And I waver in the only space
I've ever really known.

Time for a change, they say;
time heals,
time is the answer, they say.
I'm reaching forward,
grasping for the edge of that fog.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It Stings

Always running.
Always searching.
Never finding. Truly.

I saw you.
High speed connection.
It was real. To me.

Told you my secrets.
My fears.
My dreams.
Gave you my trust.
I was dumb.

And I cried.
I thought you cared.
You reached out.
I thought you would wipe my tears.
Instead you slapped me.
Turned your back on me.

No explanation.
No reason.
No good bye.
No nothing.
Just an empty space where you were.

I hate you.

It Stings.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Chapters (5-14-07)

Pushing through your chapters,
Contemplating that one,
Everyone has.
You know of it,
The horrid chapter you yourself have traversed.
Self Loathing,
They’re all there in deed or thought.
People try to help,
With their unsolicited advice,
But the truth is,
Only you knew what you had been through.
Only you could do the work to pull out of it.
That ugly chapter would only end,
By ridding yourself of those negative traits,
Reminding id and ego of the better chapters,
Where the positives are.
If you can’t remind yourself,
Just how good life can be,
Then that bad chapter isn’t over.
It’s time to do the work,
Pull yourself out of it,
Begin the next chapter,
Live again.

From The Bottom

If you fall, I fall with you
I tumble to the ground
With remarkable force
And land breathless

Your mistakes are mine
I wear them, make them warm
And I take the trip down
When you lose the way

I let myself be this
Maybe I'm just helping
Instead of stopping the dizzying spin
I jump on and hold on

If you don't learn from it
Your doomed to repeat it
Whoever said that
Must have met us both

Sunday, May 13, 2007

What a Wonderful World

Here I sit in quiet contemplation of life’s great rewards.
A sunny day,
A rainy day.
The sound of children playing.
The twang of an acoustic guitar or the shrill melody of a violin.
A day at the beach.
The noise of new falling snow.
A friends smile.
A Handshake.
A first kiss.
Having a child.
Making the 8 ball on the break.
Making a new friend.
Banana Cream Pie.
Experiencing something new.
Making love, not having sex.
Eating something that you've helped to create.
Cooking for someone you love.
Watching the sun set.
Watching the moon rise.
Looking into a lovers eyes.
A lover looking back at you with the same love.
Holding hands.
Grinding Pepper.
Talking to your best friend.
The list is endless.
As I sit here in quiet contemplation of all these things.
I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Thanks Louis.


the gentle words
are what hurt me the most.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day...

To all the moms who find the time to write on wwht... and raise their beautiful children!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Short Story Writer's Lament

I had posted a short story earlier that I had written a couple of months ago called 'The Continental'. I never re-drafted it. I knew it was badly in need of editing but I was too lazy to go back and actually fix it up.

I wrote it in a couple of hours, and I should've known better.

Re-reading it tonight, I realized just how badly written it was and how badly it needs revision. I'll work on it this weekend and get it up to standards. It's saved as a draft, so the comments I've received will not be deleted... merely republished.

It Starts Today

This is the day,
Take life by the horns.
Spontaneity is NOW.
Go watch the Grunion run.
Laugh aloud.
It doesn’t matter who’s listening.
Eat what you want.
Feel good about yourself.
Jump on a trampoline.
Do something daring.
Ride a bull.
Then pick yourself up and do it again.
Jump out of a plane.
Scream all the way down.
Your mouth will dry out in 5 seconds or less guaranteed.
Wear a suit to lunch with a friend,
So they can see you in it before they die.
Go buy yourself something stupid.
Laugh at it when you see it on the shelf.
Watch some Shakespeare.
It’s amazing what you can learn from a play.
Listen to some Jazz.
Wonder if they can play it exactly like that again.
Suck on an ice cube.
Let your worries melt along with it.
Make yourself a goal.
Kick that soccer ball through it.
Cook something terrible.
Serve it to your friends and laugh along with them.
It’s those times that are the most memorable.
Share something everyday.
Smile when you’re sad.
Roll the window down and feel the wind on your face.
Take care of yourself and your family.
Listen to the rain.
Choose to wake up happy.
It starts today.
With you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Blogger's re-unification (a semi-drunken post)

The music is pumping through these kick ass five point speakers, the bass is tumultuous from the sub-woofer. It's good, it feels good and I feel good.

80's Alternative. Yeah, it's like a walk down memory lane and I couldn't love it more.

Nostalgia grips us hard, sometimes. No wonder movies like 'Stand By Me' and 'The Sand-Lot' become fast favorites. Through such things we can relive moments of our bygone youth.

Sad, some would say. I don't consider it as such. Sometimes, we just need that one thing that will pin those days of old to the forefront of our memories.

I'll sit up here, night after night, blogging, writing incessant poetry, stories and what-not, all the while rocking out to those great 80's Alternative tunes, if you will keep writing.

This is the start of a dream come true, for me. Thank you all for being a part of this, for making it a reality... and remember, you can post whatever you want, whenever you want.. there is nothing too risqué for my tastes; what matters is that you write. There are only two rules: Leave your name as a label and COMMENT! No web-writer (which is, basically, what we are) can survive without comments!

For you

Soon you will break me, which I assume was the plan all along!
You will push me until the point that my spirit is all gone.
Why is it like this, why is it so?
You couldn't believe me, you never let us grow.
I couldn't say anything to make you believe and now you say you trust me,
just as I am ready to leave.
When I told you I loved you, I thought that you knew,
I would have never said it if it wasn't true.
Always blaming and pointing the finger at me,
I can't live like this, and if it doesn't stop, it is me you will truly miss.
I can't be someone I am not,
always being held down,
I tell you this so you won't wonder why when you don't have me around.
Your little shows of affection and the things that you do,
are not to show you care but are a way to say I control you.
You are always suspicious and no matter what I am wrong,
so please understand when you look around and I am gone.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

From Sparks, Fire Comes

I knew you knew me, I wanted you to see me
It hasn't been that long, I knew you never forgot me
What was a fire is ashes but that never really surprised us
We knew what we were doing, we knew what it was
You got what you wanted, same as I did
Never expecting anything more
But I changed, you changed a little too
And that was the fatal flaw

You cannot change the rules mid-game
You cannot say you don't want and then want
Nobody wins, it's a loss or a draw
And I drew you into a corner
How dare you feel, you might just as well have said
I guess I was worse at pushing away
It doesn't matter now, it is what it is
But it isn't what it could have been.

Dear Stomach Virus

The outer encasement
became weak
and rigid with paralysis.
Drops of fever and sweat
rippling through its layers.
Creating delerium
deep in
its very core.
The soul within remained
Fervently spinning, aching.
Pushing against walls,
that fold it back
unto itself.
In a shell dripping in its heat
convulsing with frigidity.
Stagnant and vile.
Soon the fear creeps in
and the soul becomes
frozen and
the paralysis seeps
from the outside in.


Understand me,
I'm here, standing
stuck in a timeline.

All these things come down
to a single point.

The past is behind, as they say
the future ahead
but the now is always now and will always be.

In essence.

This is merely a plea.

Don't think I'm taking leave
Understand me
It's not about this or that
it's not about anything.

It is here, with us,
as it's always been
in the now, and always
and I can forgive myself.

Finally we can set the strides
Make the waves
we've desperately craved
and time will draw us in.

the time is now.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Who am I?

I am me.
I am daughter, sister, friend
Becoming girlfriend, partner
Then aunt then wife then mother

Mother again, twice the person I once was
Aunt many more times
Friend and colleague
I become an Ex wife
Just another part of me

Am I now mother and father?
Still daughter, sister, friend
Aunt and mother

Somethings don’t change
We are still who we are
I am who I am
I am me.

© foxxx 2007

See, by the Train Wreck


I don't want to see

in my mind
I see
him swing
that kid
by his feet
crack his egg
like a head
into a tree

I see it
in my dream

too late
to save the day

now that I try
I'm just so tired

I can't even
a wink
or blink
or think
of that girl they buried
in a hole

she died
begging to
what I
when I

I can't sleep

gotta keep
that tree
to save
what I see

they always
inside of me

I sleep
with one eye open
my cover is blown
I´m out in the cold

I need you to know
I tried to save them

But you don't see.

© Christopher Pimental, 2006

(a.k.a, the Train Wreck)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Past Present Future

The here and now is broken
The present fractured, held together with threads of complacency
Strands of fear.
A weakened heart prevents changes.

Visions of a past came through
Memories made real
But the past is only a shadow in those memories
Reality proved that the future is not dictated;
Events are created by brave hearts
And determined minds.

The shadows of a past have a cast light
And proved that the future is not always as expected.
Some present times are more real than the memories
That created them.

The envisioned future is changed
Hearts are shattered
Expectations now mere memories of what was once a future

A new future is ahead, unknown and unsure
Maybe to be broken but on present terms
Not with the past and with a brave heart.

Memories will always live with us
Always be remembered
Never as big and shiny as the here and now.

The good times are how we live
How we feel and how we reach forward
Whatever pain and cost creates the future
It is on the present terms, not the past.


Move. It's ok --
The earth has stopped shaking
maybe now you can grapple
maybe you can gain your footing.

You're stuck.
Knee deep in tar
Spending your life
with the rusted out bones
of extinct creatures.

Try to move.

Don't forget.

That's ok.
It will lend itself in time
and you will be so much more --
more than what you're holding onto.

Being someone else has never been easier
but you have to face that mirror
Day in
Day out
And one day, your image
will break up into a thousand pieces
and where will you go from there?

It's ok. Just move.

Your feet are lead
nailed to the ground and

in times of trouble things get worse.

I know.

But move.

Move with yourself
move along.

Hold on.

Don't let go.

It's not too far out of your reach.

All that you wanted.
All that you have
It's right there --
Hold onto it.
But first, see it.


Through the mists of Avalon,
I saw her.
Like an Angel,
Her whisper warmed my soul.
Her eyes pierced my heart,
And broke down the walls protecting it.
I knew she was the one,
For whom I'd been waiting.
A single kiss she bestowed upon me,
Just for me.
And then she was gone,
Like a leaf in the wind.
Leaving behind,
A man,

Thursday, May 3, 2007

prove me wrong

this beautiful midnight
takes on a new light
and i know that there is a reason

my soul keeps on searching
knowing someone else is yearning
and i know that there is a reason

sordid days behind us
with the hope there to guide us
and i wont be wrong

this road to nowhere
is bound to go somewhere
so, baby, prove me wrong
for no reason, prove me wrong.

Paradise Disrupted


There's a little thing that glows red
And I stop in its tracks
The hounds bite and clamor
Incensed, they claw at the tattered pieces
Of the remnants of this bygone story
It is life, barely, that remains
Standing still
Blinking red
Forever moving within
Outside of all that I've known
And all that I cared for.

I can see the signs for what they are
For what they've become
I can hear the hounds as they cry
For their freedom from afar
The flags raise red
In the gloom of the painted night
And call them to arms.

I am ready.

I am willing.

I will fight if I must.

This is what it's all come down to, then.



i am but a grain of salt
in the liquid beauty of your lies

And Then There Were None

When the World blew up,
Four People Survived.
One died of Radiation,
And then there were Three.
One Died of Starvation,
And then there were Two.
One was murdered,
And then there was One.
The Last got Lonely,
And then there were none.

I made it!


It speaks to me in the dead of the night
So many empty glasses greet me
Ash tray full
The story, can you tell my life?

I hear it. And I hear you.

There's nothing left to say
We have to fix these insipid holes
we've tried desperately to fill
with what we've wanted.

It's not enough to hold onto.

The emptiness enfolds us
and the night grows longer
still, being so far away
brings us closer.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Love vs Hate. It’s a close thing sometimes.

I love being on my own because:
I get to go to the supermarket and choose all the foods we love myself.
I get to choose all the plants that go in the garden.
I can sit on the sofa and watch TV or sit in silence. I choose.
I get to make all the decisions. I have no one to answer to.
I’m in charge all the time.
When there’s time to waste, I get to decide what to do.
I get the whole bed to myself, most often.
I can wake up when I’m ready, stretch and lay quietly listening to the world wake, alone.
I get to choose my life and there’s no one to question me.

I hate being on my own because:
I have to go to the supermarket and choose all the foods we love myself.
I have to choose all the plants that go in the garden.
I can sit on the sofa and watch TV or sit in silence, but there’s no conversation, no compromise.
I have to make all the decisions.
I have no one to answer to.
I’m in charge, all the time.
When there’s time to waste, I have to decide what to do.
I have the whole bed to myself most often.
I have to wake up when I’m ready, stretch and lay quietly listening to the world wake, alone.
I get to choose my life and there’s no one to question me.

Roll Call!!

Send me your name and email addy via email or through MySpace to be added here!






Minor Irritation





Lets get this list growing! If you'd like a link to your blog on MySpace, Blogger or your Blogger profile, let me know and I'll add it here!