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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dear Stomach Virus

The outer encasement
became weak
and rigid with paralysis.
Drops of fever and sweat
rippling through its layers.
Creating delerium
deep in
its very core.
The soul within remained
Fervently spinning, aching.
Pushing against walls,
that fold it back
unto itself.
In a shell dripping in its heat
convulsing with frigidity.
Stagnant and vile.
Soon the fear creeps in
and the soul becomes
frozen and
the paralysis seeps
from the outside in.


Jill said...

Thanks, Goldi!

I've always loved the way you write. You're incredibly profound.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is good.

I been feeling like this all day and it is not nice.

g0ldil0x said...