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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Time to live, time to remember

There will be a time in my life when I will look back on my life and remember. I’ll remember the times I sat and wished for more time to do nothing, to think to ‘be’. To be whatever it is I thought I should be able to be.

There will be a time when I realise that it was all those decisions and actions that bought me to that point, to the time in my life when I can sit back and remember.

I live now to make the memories so when I’m in the time to remember there are good ones to fill the time that I can sit, there are sad ones and bad ones to remind us how good the good times really were.

There will be a time when I must make up my account, find out the tax due, the consequences of my behaviour. There will be a time when I can see what I have created and what I have destroyed.

There are no plans, no maps, no directions to follow, just intuition and good fortune, or perhaps just blind faith that the end will be that place, that time, when I will look back on my life and remember.

1 comment:

Jill said...

This is just amazing, foxxx..

I gotta say it reminds me of a Beatles tune and that's NEVER a bad thing