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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Inspiring Actress from Afar

A lady visited a land afar
She had amazing brick red hair
And out of her mouth she said
Something to me that had to be insisted.

Never look back
It will drive you insane
The things in life we lack
Minus the things we gain

Mistakes will be made
Without them
Inventors wouldn’t have a trade

We have it good here
Like none you would ever know
And worry about stupid stuff
Like not paying a toll

While others cannot eat
Or have clean clothes to wear
Or not even a place to sleep

They would cherish the book
The text, urban kids scorn
They walk two hours to look
Some work almost since born

Yet they live with love too
They work and live different
Always busy with something to do
Always trying, trying to be affluent

People are busy here too
Always trying, trying to be affluent,
But, Working for number one, in lieu
Of trying to be considerate

It must be very different
Where elephants and zebras
Run free to mingle with thee
In the Dark Continent

So peel off the layers
Until you feel the core
Underneath the baggage
Do you remember who you were before?

Back to your roots
That is the answer
Before the pain ever came
Once again take control,
But, now as the Master.


Jill said...

WW, thanks for posting! I really love this piece! What was your inspiration for it?

The Wild Widow said...

I did talk to a lady about her journey to Africa. She told me how she left all of her clothes she took there for the poor.
How my life would be if I could just go back to when I was young, to the time of innocence.
That's all.
my day.

The Wild Widow said...

I did talk to a lady about her journey to Africa. She told me how she left all of her clothes she took there for the poor.
How my life would be if I could just go back to when I was young, to the time of innocence.
That's all.
my day.