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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lets Talk

Lets talk a little, shall we?

The chair is empty.
There is room.
No need to feel encapsulated
It's from Ikea. It works.

Pour me another glass of wine
and yourself one too.
Light a smoke,
Hell, even a toke

it's ok, if you'd like.

Sit here with me,
behind grinning lights
and spinning engines
and we'll come to something-


Because time is not on our side-


It's flown the coop and I can guarantee
this bottle won't last another hour.

Don't bother apologizing.
It's really quite ok.
Just smoke and drink and fade to black
as long as you talk.

There's no reason to drag it on
we can finally find a reason for all of this
and move on
or move forward
but I won't move back.


g0ldil0x said...

jill this is beautiful and it somehow speaks to me right now in this very place that i am. in this very chair upon which i sit.

moving forward - because i just can't go back.

i love you!

The Wild Widow said...

Thanks, Jill. The past is what made us, but it is gone and nothing is left but to move on..
I have to remember that everyday.
It is so hard.
That is all I wanted to say.