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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Keep Trying

I took journalism
When I was young
I needed work
I had only just begun

Things went askew
life takes many turns
giving problems anew
trying to mend the burns

Running my own business
And businesses of others
raising my kids with kisses
After burying my father and mother

Alone I feel in every way
with my children in tow
People judging me everyday
Looking at me, they don't even know.

Because I do not look down at you
Does not give you the right
To look through me,
Like I am not here, out of sight.

My dreams are relevant
My voice will be heard
If yours died in your office
I'm sorry, I think you are ubsurd.

When I work hard to perservere
At times my body grows weary
"Soon it'll be over my Dear"
Ha like I just want a life of dreary

To live to be just another wife
kept in a hole of a house
hidden away and not to live a life?
Just to keep quiet, quiet as a mouse?

Not for me, a partner is what I seek,
not a person to keep me in my place
A person who understands the leak
of emotions and equality of the race.

1 comment:

Jill said...

This is a million voices speaking through one. Thank you.