Welcome to Writers Who Have To...

We are a forum of writers. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, send your desired username and email to Jill at: info@writerswhohaveto.com or visit Writers Who Have To... on MySpace.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Auction House

trinkets and paintings
old books and movie posters
marble figurines

the new and the old
items of great sentiment
once cherished and loved

spirits of the past
ghostly tales of times long gone
live in each treasure

the bidding begins
alacritous responses
and the gavel falls


Jill said...

Oh A! This is so beautiful! You absolutely have a gift, my dear, thank you for sharing it with us! I feel privileged and honored to have you here!

Pen said...

You flatter me :o) Can you feel me blushing through the screen?? LOL

The Fiction Friday prompt was to write about an auction. This haiku just kind of came to me. I wanted to share it with everyone at WWHT. ;o)

PipeTobacco said...


I noticed your blog via a comment you made on Andrew's site. I would like to be considered to participate in your group writing project. If I am accepted, I would like to use the username PipeTobacco.

You may also find my blog of interest.


Jill said...

Welcome Pipe! Wonderful name! If you have an email listed under your profile I'll send you an invite!

Jill said...

PipeTobacco - I didn't see an email listed. If you'd like you can send me a quick email with your address so I can send you an invite to be a contributor.
