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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Where Are You, Superman? (6-19-07)

I look into the sky,
All I see,
Are Birds and Planes,
No Hero.
When are you going to use,
Your Super strength,
To Show us the way?
Use your heat vision,
To warm,
Our Chilled Uncaring Hearts.
Use your Cool Breath,
To put out all the fires,
Caused by all the Madmen.
Use your X-Ray Vision,
To see,
Into our Black souls,
Where you can fight the evil.
Use all of your Power,
To Save us,
From Ourselves.
Where Are You, Superman?
There is no Kryptonite here,
Except us.
I guess,
We have to Continue,
Without You,
Don’t we?
We should become,
The Heroes,
We so Desperately Need.

1 comment:

Pen said...

Very thought-provoking poem. We are our own worse enemies and our own heroes all at once, aren't we? :o)