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Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Marooned on the island of life.
I live day by day.
Passing the time with only my thoughts.
Ignoring the wonders around me.
Consumed by self.
The tragedies of the previous chapters,
Envelope my synapses.
Judgment isn’t clouded,
It’s just not there.
Feelings don’t get in the way,
They’re pushed to the side.
Sometimes, there’s a moment of clarity.
When a smile comes to my face.
I’m mimicking the little boy.
He’s my lifeline to another place.
All I need is to feel his love,
To be jolted back.
I live day by day.
Marooned on the island of life.


g0ldil0x said...

i once felt like this. it is strange to be reminded, although i think i was more the island marooned within myself on the edge of life. it was as if the world were flat and i sat on the precipice.


Pen said...


You are quite the poet. Excellent write.

1 FN HandyMan said...

Thanks Ladies! :)