Welcome to Writers Who Have To...

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Remember: Comments are necessary for the survival of all writers!! Feedback is love and love is grand!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Can it be?

People can be one,
People can be some,
Close for a time,
Always going sublime.

Confusing you, making you think,
They love you, then it stinks,
Turn your back,
The love then lacks.

Trying to twist your fate,
for the worse,
Thinking it will make them great,
Only bringing on a curse.
A curse for the wicked,
To live a life of evil,
Always unfulfilled and sickened,
Maybe one day, will be a believer.

They will have happiness,
Within themselves,
Not from a Prince or Princess,
Or things that can be put on shelves.

Look into your souls,
That is where it can be,
What is this goal?
True happiness, you silly..

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