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Friday, February 27, 2009


Man, the screen is full of muck

pencil scribblings etched in the soft display

finger prints, ciggy ash and beer droplets obscure the printed words

time for a rapid cleaning.

I've lost the user's guide, however

can't get by without viewing the contents table.

It's obtuse yet revered and laced with memories

bygone and ridiculous

genuine and pure

a conglomerate of bullshit and piety.

Bricks stacked up against us,

not really, though

that's the rhetoric that keeps me sane.

I'm stacked up against it all, destroying everything in its path

because I'm nothing if I'm not a martyr.

Without that book, I'm really screwed.

You see I can't seem to find the cable

the one that fits just right.

I've tried but bottles full of forget do their job

and my lousy actions stick to your fly paper.

And now I'm downing liquid regret,

washing all that history away.

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