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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Never an another

Here I type on this blog spot,
The other it may be seen,
by the ones I care not 
to be in on this scene. 

Some things I need to let out,
The previous poem was clear
Of what it was all about
The things we hold dear.

The more people I meet
The more people I know
It would a great feat
To bring the high to low.

Wanting and yearning,
The only true way
Is with age and learning
That there will become a day.

The time to join the missed,
To reap the rewards,
Or have we just been dissed?
Earthbound as cowards?

A nothing to store,
a spec of dust,
Nothing more,
than part of a crust. 

Will there be life ever after?
Peaceful, unlike the vampires?
Blissful, spiritual and Holy
Like the girls around a campfire?

Why do I talk to them still?
Am I crazy, INsane?
Do they talk to me at will?
Do you think it'll rain?

I need answers,
Will I go somewhere
If I am eaten by panthers?
Does anyone care?

I miss who I miss,
I have who I have,
All have some of one,
One had all of some. 

Maybe one day,
There will be one,
To make me happy,
As some to be as one.

1 comment:

BudRoy said...

I'm really sorry you haven't gotten any feedback lately, Wild. I know WritersCafe has stolen a lot of us away. I personally have been busy with school. By all means, keep posting. I enjoy reading posts when I do get the chance to visit this site. *hugs*