Welcome to Writers Who Have To...

We are a forum of writers. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, send your desired username and email to Jill at: info@writerswhohaveto.com or visit Writers Who Have To... on MySpace.

Write whatever you'd like, whenever you want! This is an open forum for like minded authors. Feedback and comments are necessary! Remember, there are no holds barred, here.

For writers: When publishing make sure to add your username as a tag/label (you'll see the bar at the bottom of your blog edit window). This way it'll be much easier to pull up your work all in one go. Also, if you'd like you can add the type, ie: Short Story, Poetry, Blog, Rant, etc to your labels as well as the genre. This will make sorting much easier! Thank you!

Remember: Comments are necessary for the survival of all writers!! Feedback is love and love is grand!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One, two, three
Look at me!
I have too much in store
But I always want more.

Not one can suffice,
sill not all can either,
However hard to entice
Still wanting neither.

Living life in its grandiere,
Holding on to everything dear.
You never live twice,
That is the greatest fear.

Get it while you can,
missing the opportunities,
the ones from the past,
Regrets will haunt your day to last.

Destiny will prevail,
If meant to be,
Or settle to be real,
From one not three.