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Sunday, January 6, 2008

What we know

Sing a song of honesty
A pocket full of lies
Listening when you speak to me
The truth in your eyes

Sing a song of time together
Pretending things are fine
Too frightened to change the status quo
Admit the truth’s that mine

Sing a song of here and now
The words you long to say
What we have is not enough
Will wait another day

Sing a song of reality
We’ll drift along a while
Until we see what we already know
Hidden behind the smile


BudRoy said...

I liked this poem, but a couple of lines required me to read them again. Still, nice flow of words.

foxxx said...

Thanks. It's what this forum is for; to express and receive feedback.

I'm working on it.

Falcon in the Dive. said...

It was a great piece. I love the stark contrast between the flowing rhyme and the melancholy content.