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Sunday, October 21, 2007

My first post in awhile.

I saw you at forty years old today.
The age was clearly etched in your face.
I saw the fatigue, the
change in your presence;
you look...good...
for the time that's passed.

Any doubt about your
identity was erased when your
eyes--pure, clean, penetrative--
probed my soul, and you
laughed inwardly at my terror.

It isn't fair. Your experience
and full life is evidenced
in all your weathering.
But I--I am still young.
And empty.
It's so obvious
that in your life
you have moved on.
My heartbreak, however:
it is frozen in
an awkward adolescence.


Jill said...

This is lovely and profound. I wonder the event that sparked such words?

Falcon in the Dive. said...

Thank you. It was actually triggered when I saw someone who looked like the person who broke my heart, except twenty years older.

I shan't get into the poetics of the relationship here, but yes, that was the spark. =]

little wing writer said...

..so well written...lovely story..

1 FN HandyMan said...

Ahhhhhhh (sigh)...Ain't growin up Grannnnd! LoL, Good Job!