Welcome to Writers Who Have To...

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Remember: Comments are necessary for the survival of all writers!! Feedback is love and love is grand!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


It’s all up to you, my friend.

In your eyes I see the weight of your world.

Large, caring, excited and yet, sometimes, dark.

Drastic it becomes until you can’t find the peace.

Pieces of the sky surround you.

The power you hold is immense, too immense for someone so young.

Swirling around your head, gentle halos of warmth,

Golden and red leaves sparkle within you and I see the light.

It’s possible to become what you are supposed to be.

Fear holds you back and you stop, suddenly.

Take a breath, become one with the air and realize -

It’s not something learned, it’s all inside.


Pen said...

Nice! I have missed your poetry so :o)

Jill said...

Aww, thanks Anita. It needs some work, obviously just a quick thing I wrote to pass the time.

Anonymous said...

Good words.