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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thinking About It

Thinking About It


I’ve been thinking about this life.

It feels as though I’m stagnant.

Though life continues on around me,

I feel alone,

stuck in this holding position,

Until something happens.

Am I a conduit,

For the chaos that swirls around me?

Or, a conduit,

For the life that swirls around it?

I try to be the nicest person I can be,

Some see me wrestling with that,

With the chaos inside me.

Some would call it personal demons,

Some would call it drama,

Some would call it regrets.

I call it,


I’m just me.

Not above reproach,

Not above mistakes,

Not above regret,

Nor Forgiveness.

I’m ready for it to happen,

It will happen soon,

I can feel it.


I’ve been thinking about this life,

I’ve been thinking about it.