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Thursday, July 24, 2008


Time, clearly, has driven out the demons

you've been exorcised righteously

bathed in the virgin water that sanctified and clarified and, yeah, completely satisfied.

Those baptismal currents flowed deep through my purpose -

I could not move forward until it was upheld

And now your winged bastards are laughing from the sidelines at my idiocy and falsehood.

Was I really that hard to read?

Paper tongue mindlessly spewing

burnt offerings of kind sentiments.

Jovial nostalgia, I couldn't let THAT go.

No, I knew the whole time

the game was mine to play

but you followed too closely

listened too well

and all of a sudden

the dice are missing,

the banker is corrupt and the bank is going bankrupt

and I've lost nearly all the pieces of plastic, houses and cards

and scissors and cardboard can only go so far

and our wooden foundation has rotted through to the core

what for?

... there is no where else to go from here...


The new one is for me,
Alive, refreshing and free
Non committal is he,
For my sake, we'll see. 

Could it be done, 
To start again?
To turn back the sun
when my time began?

Boring are some,
Hiding a habit
does he think I'm dumb?
I need to stab it. 

Wanting to bunk  
with no commitments
Of course, the hunk
that has no limits. 

To be free of stress
LIve a life of youth
Vitality to encompass
If only I knew total truth.