Welcome to Writers Who Have To...

We are a forum of writers. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, send your desired username and email to Jill at: info@writerswhohaveto.com or visit Writers Who Have To... on MySpace.

Write whatever you'd like, whenever you want! This is an open forum for like minded authors. Feedback and comments are necessary! Remember, there are no holds barred, here.

For writers: When publishing make sure to add your username as a tag/label (you'll see the bar at the bottom of your blog edit window). This way it'll be much easier to pull up your work all in one go. Also, if you'd like you can add the type, ie: Short Story, Poetry, Blog, Rant, etc to your labels as well as the genre. This will make sorting much easier! Thank you!

Remember: Comments are necessary for the survival of all writers!! Feedback is love and love is grand!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


What happens now?
The resentments seem to come
I don't know how, but 
They make me all numb.

Decisions to make,
With this, Do I try?
Eat all of this, the cake?
Or just make the hunk cry?

He claims it's non committal,
But wants exclusivity,
This makes me non complacent
He just calls me crazy. 

Talking didn't work,
Things just stopped.
Then we acted like jerks,
Until we blew our tops!

Figure it out and let me know!
I have to pack my stuff,
and back to Phoenix I'll go.
So he said in a huff. 

He told me what, 
I told "So What, too."
We figured we had too much,
Too much to lose.

Sunday, November 23, 2008



your words to me lack lustre

they sparkle for another now

i see them hanging in the air

like glitter

between the two of you

i am powerless

against the onslaught of

hurt, despair and

most of all


glowing in my chest

like an ember

Monday, November 10, 2008

Howdy Folks!

I just thought I'd let you know that I'm no longer on Myspace...

I do have a new blog on here though if you want to keep in touch.

If you're interested, please email me at dudemovie@gmail.com

Thanks, and have a wonderful day! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Time, clearly, has driven out the demons

you've been exorcised righteously

bathed in the virgin water that sanctified and clarified and, yeah, completely satisfied.

Those baptismal currents flowed deep through my purpose -

I could not move forward until it was upheld

And now your winged bastards are laughing from the sidelines at my idiocy and falsehood.

Was I really that hard to read?

Paper tongue mindlessly spewing

burnt offerings of kind sentiments.

Jovial nostalgia, I couldn't let THAT go.

No, I knew the whole time

the game was mine to play

but you followed too closely

listened too well

and all of a sudden

the dice are missing,

the banker is corrupt and the bank is going bankrupt

and I've lost nearly all the pieces of plastic, houses and cards

and scissors and cardboard can only go so far

and our wooden foundation has rotted through to the core

what for?

... there is no where else to go from here...


The new one is for me,
Alive, refreshing and free
Non committal is he,
For my sake, we'll see. 

Could it be done, 
To start again?
To turn back the sun
when my time began?

Boring are some,
Hiding a habit
does he think I'm dumb?
I need to stab it. 

Wanting to bunk  
with no commitments
Of course, the hunk
that has no limits. 

To be free of stress
LIve a life of youth
Vitality to encompass
If only I knew total truth.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Never an another

Here I type on this blog spot,
The other it may be seen,
by the ones I care not 
to be in on this scene. 

Some things I need to let out,
The previous poem was clear
Of what it was all about
The things we hold dear.

The more people I meet
The more people I know
It would a great feat
To bring the high to low.

Wanting and yearning,
The only true way
Is with age and learning
That there will become a day.

The time to join the missed,
To reap the rewards,
Or have we just been dissed?
Earthbound as cowards?

A nothing to store,
a spec of dust,
Nothing more,
than part of a crust. 

Will there be life ever after?
Peaceful, unlike the vampires?
Blissful, spiritual and Holy
Like the girls around a campfire?

Why do I talk to them still?
Am I crazy, INsane?
Do they talk to me at will?
Do you think it'll rain?

I need answers,
Will I go somewhere
If I am eaten by panthers?
Does anyone care?

I miss who I miss,
I have who I have,
All have some of one,
One had all of some. 

Maybe one day,
There will be one,
To make me happy,
As some to be as one.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Deep Water Friends


Deep Waters,
Shade the sadness within.
So much pain,
Seen and Unseen.
Confusion and Regret,
Altering reality,
All part of her being.
So much in Common,
So much unforseen,
She carries her life,
With Great Burden.
I’m not going to save her,
I’m not in that business anymore.
She’ll save herself,
Through the Samson I know dwells inside her.
When the smile and laughter,
Come out of the Clouds,
It lifts both our souls.
If only for a moment,
The Deep Waters Brighten,
And the Friendship itself,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One, two, three
Look at me!
I have too much in store
But I always want more.

Not one can suffice,
sill not all can either,
However hard to entice
Still wanting neither.

Living life in its grandiere,
Holding on to everything dear.
You never live twice,
That is the greatest fear.

Get it while you can,
missing the opportunities,
the ones from the past,
Regrets will haunt your day to last.

Destiny will prevail,
If meant to be,
Or settle to be real,
From one not three.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dust in the Wind

People come, born
Into our lives
Most are adorn

To fade away
Into oblivion
Among the world
We are still living in.

Not knowing what has become
What they are,
If they are even one.

The next chapter follows.
With anticipation expects.
Too what it always allows,
from the realms of the suspects.

We must plant the seeds,
In which we will harvest.
In fact it will indeed
Be the truth of the invest.

Hoping and competing
Everything is a sport
Where everyone is stampeding
To wear white in the court.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cross your fingers for me!

I finished a query letter for a novel I finished editing Saturday, and I submitted it to a prestigious New York literary agency. I really hope this goes well, and felt it worth sharing with my fellow writers. =)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

wwht... on Lock Down!

Recently I've discovered that the internet is, indeed, a frightening place. You never can tell who someone really is when they're sitting behind a monitor.

I've run across some pretty bizarre behavior recently and, I'm sad to say, because of it I have to lock down wwht...

Only the authors are allowed to view this blog.

If any of you have any questions, leave a comment here or send a message to me through MySpace. Don't hesitate to ask for even a second!

Friday, February 8, 2008


It must be very easy for you

to always play to the river,

to just brush it all aside,

at the final moment.

Like running a hand through your thick, dark hair

before another chip is thrown.

Do you see me as I see me?

An equal player, deserving of my buy in?

I can match you, I won't fold.

I hardly proceed with trepidation.

So then, how is it so easy?

Is it the game you like to play?

Is it in the cards you draw

from your magicians wrist?

That flick of the wrist

so quick

so slight

and you're gone, poof.

And I'm left applying glue

to your house of cards.

Why does it get prolonged so?

We should have folded

and backed away from the table

but we get so involved, it becomes a disgusting display

and we always play

to the river.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Just letting you all know I'm still around!
I have some news about myself I thought I'd share.
As of a couple days ago, I have completed the first draft of my book entitled "Death By Mistress"!
I'm excited to have finally finished it, and am working on editing and rewriting.
Now, I just have to find a publisher worthy of my talent. (LOL)
Hope ya'll have a wonderful superbowl Sunday!


Friday, February 1, 2008


A wrinkle on your finely tailored shirt,

A fly on your vast white-washed wall.

Fine, I'll sit and behave and merely observe, as usual.

Don't boast to me anymore, however

Don't lift yourself to heavenly heights that you cannot possibly reach.

Don't become the despised and hated one.

Remember, I'm observing

It may be a mere gesture

but its usefulness extends beyond

what your narrow mind is capable of.

You can drink all the wine you'd like

flaunt your so-so society wares and

fake it all, if you want

just stop doing it in front of me.

I have my ways.

I never pretended to be nice.

It may come back to you, ten fold.

Friday, January 25, 2008


we've given up.
the hurly-burly is done,
but the battle was lost.
the scarred battlefield
is strewn with the corpses of
soldiers mindlessly sent to death.
this skirmish was a Holocaust;
those lost were innocent.
the faces of pure children
lay mottled in the field
where blood was spilled like rain.
there's no point anymore
in their fighting the inevitable.
we must submit to the
vicegrip of the dark-angel
observing from above.

in the center of the
massacre lies a pile,
a mound of the dead
sacrificed to the above.
on top of this altar
lies the great leader of heraldry.
blood seeps from his mouth
like water to feed the
roots of the flowers.
flies buzz about his face
awaiting putrefaction,
hoping for decay.
and his eyes--
so pure, so delicate!
so fierce and strong!
his eyes are locked upon
the sky. that is where he
belongs--above such
shame, such travesty.
but that dark-angel,
laughing from a heaven
that is wrongfully his:--
he has triumphed for evil,
and the good are
left behind, left
in this field to rot,

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What we know

Sing a song of honesty
A pocket full of lies
Listening when you speak to me
The truth in your eyes

Sing a song of time together
Pretending things are fine
Too frightened to change the status quo
Admit the truth’s that mine

Sing a song of here and now
The words you long to say
What we have is not enough
Will wait another day

Sing a song of reality
We’ll drift along a while
Until we see what we already know
Hidden behind the smile