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Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm back?

I am remembering the days of old
Everything automatic, nothing in my soul.
So much to do, for what I have no idea.
My future holds the tabu of India

But a child I was mending film
to make a long reel for easy viewing
Now I am to the point of mental ill
that society has bestowed me with its quing

My father's favorite subject I was
for his photographic genious,
and the room with it's red light 'cause
If the door opened it might be dangerous

If I knew then what I know now.
What choices would I make?
A shit load different, Holy cow!
Then again, there are many things at stake.

"It's a Wonderful Life" a movie you must remember
If my life went a different route,
Who would my children remember
as their mother for the scout

The children are home you see
The house is busy now
I must end this and talk to thee
Good night and we'll see how

The world will take me and thee
In the realm of hospitality
So I may live in this world
Comfortably in peace and prosperity